Christoph Holtmann:
Titel: Augmented Reality for Social Participation in Urban Development
The ARPAS project aims to explore and model Augmented Reality (AR)-based participation innovations in practice, demonstrating how AR and WebXR technologies - currently widely used in entertainment - can be harnessed for social innovation and improved social inclusion. AR integrated into existing web platforms has significant potential to make urban development more visual, interactive and inclusive, while better connecting it to physical spaces. Many municipalities operate digital participation platforms, which could be made more attractive, usable and visible through our findings. Our project benefits a wide range of citizens, especially those interested in urban planning and development. Often overlooked in participation processes are young adults and people with limited language skills or low text affinity. Our initiative creates new visual and interactive forms of participation, promoting the integration and inclusion of these groups and increasing the visibility and appeal of participatory processes in urban development. By exploring innovative and engaging ways to involve citizens, we aim to fill gaps that traditional, often text-based, methods cannot address.

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